We need to show and share Passion, Hope, Love & Courage to all as we are Spiritual Beings here having a Human Experience!
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We need to show and share Passion, Hope, Love & Courage to all as we are Spiritual Beings here having a Human Experience!
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I live in Southern Alberta, Canada.
I have been connecting since I was 5 years old & Professionally Certified for over 10 years.
Certified Psychic Medium
Intuitive Card Reader
Spiritual Coaching
Energy Healer
Spiritual Author
Winner of 2025 Canadian Choice Award for Psychic
To book go to Online Appointments & Styles.
Find me on Instagram: bringthelightinyourlife
Living My Authentic Life By Tamara (Tammy) Palmer Rise Up with Tamara
Where do I even begin on this epic journey that has been my life? At the beginning, I guess. I was born Tammy Lynn McDermot on May 24, 1975 to a 21 year-old single mom. While she did the best she could, her lifestyle led her to leave me with friends when I was just six weeks old. At four, I was sent to live with grandparents and when that didn't work out, a series of foster homes. Thirty-two in total , along with two failed adoptions. Abandoned as a baby, bounced from home to home with no one stepping up or stepping in; I felt abandoned by everyone, including the system meant to save me. I began years of self-medication, trying to numb myself behind the wall of protection I tried to build. For a few years, I lived with a woman I later went on to realize was a channeler, or medium.
For my 16th birthday, she introduced me to my first Tarot deck and gave me my first reading, where she told me I would go on to be a healer and have the ability to help change the world. If only I could get past inhibitions. Yeah, right. By 2010, I'd been living on the streets for several years. I'd survived rape and abuse and walked out of two toxic marriages. I'd had two babies, both of whom I made the difficult choice to give up to adoption. I was too deep into my addictions. Still looking for someone else to save me. I was raised in religion. Taught about faith. But from a very young age, I knew I didn’t belong there. The fit just wasn’t right. Within days of husband number two walking out the door, I began to open up. I began to wake up!
I began to save myself. In December 2017, I travelled to Banff, Alberta, to participate in a conference co-hosted by Carmel Joy Baird and Sonia Choquette and the entire Team Baird. I went in with reservations; with my walls of protection up high. I contemplated leaving many times and wore my attitude like a suit of armour. My usual coping strategy. At the same time, I was open to whatever transpired. I was ready for change. That change happened near the end of the conference. On Sunday, I had the most amazing breakdown/breakthrough of my entire life. It sent me on a direction I could never have imagined for myself, but see now how perfectly Divine it really was. The weekend taught me to let go of my fears and to embrace my gifts. They were as much a part of me as my skin; my breath. It also taught me to Trust the Process and accept that I was exactly where I needed to be at that time in my life. Life moved quickly after that. I completed my Certified Mediumship Training under the guidance of my new mentor, Carmel and was filled with an emotion I wasn’t used to: Pride. I was doing exactly what I was meant to do. I opened myself up to this amazing transformation because I wanted to help guide others on their healing journeys by sharing messages they needed from their loved ones crossed over. I want to give others the same gift that was given to me – to show them that life doesn’t end; that we all go to Love and Light and in Love and Light we will meet again.
My biggest gift as a medium is exactly what the title says: Living my authentic self. I don’t try to present as someone I’m not. I don’t try to copy other people’s style or presentations. I am just me, being the best version of myself I can be. I share my experiences with others in an open and honest forum. I don’t sugar coat my past, or try to deny it. I had to learn that overcoming my past and rewriting my story were my growth opportunities. Everything I’d ever experienced brought me right here to where I am today: Shining my light in the dark corners of life, helping to guide others on their own journeys. Today I have completed many certifications January 2021, even as I write this I can't believe how much my life has changed since 2008 in just over 3 years. I have no regrets from opening up and I am so excited to help others open up to their own gifts and abilities, and help raise the energy and vibrations of our planet. Namaste Love & Light
Tamara Palmer S.L.C. ( Spiritual Life Coach) B.S.M. ( Blue Sealed Medium ) C.H.P. ( Chakra Healing Practitioner ) A.H.P. ( Angelic Healing Practitioner ) C.L.C. ( Confidence Life Coach ) Reiki Master. Psychic Investigator, Animal Communicator ( Level 3), Certified Trauma Informed Coach, plus more.
For questions or requests for Intuitive Spiritual Mediumship or Spiritual Coaching please send me a message. I will get back to you soon. I also read cards and deliver psychic messages.
Open today | 10:00 a.m. – 07:00 p.m. |
By Appointment
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” MOVING BEYOND GRIEF “ taught by Canadian Awarded Psychic Medium Tamara Palmer
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